Gratis Bücher The Physics of Star Trek, by Lawrence M. Krauss
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The Physics of Star Trek, by Lawrence M. Krauss

Gratis Bücher The Physics of Star Trek, by Lawrence M. Krauss
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"The essential tubeside companion for the fans of the venerable Star Trek series."―Washington Post"This book is fun...Krauss is always enlightening."―New York Times Book ReviewWhat makes Krauss's book a winner is that it provides a pulpit for a thoughtful sermon on the possibilities locked in a universe that might or might not include a planet called Vulcan and a language called Klingon but that certainly could - in theory - deliver an antigravitational force called vacuum energy.―The Guardian"A fascinating way to learn more about physics."―St. Petersburg Times"One of the year's best gifts for a science-fiction fan."―Cleveland Plain Dealer"The Physics of Star Trek is a fun, readable little book by an eminent physicist that boldly goes where few serious scientists have ever gone before."―Tampa TribuneEven those who have never watched an episode of Star Trek will be entertained and enlightened by theoretical physicist Krauss's adventurous investigation of interstellar flight, time travel, teleportation of objects and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.―Publishers Weekly
What warps when youre traveling at warp speed? What is the difference between a wormhole and a black hole? Are time loops really possible, and can I kill my grandmother before I am born? Anyone who has ever wondered could this really happen? will gain useful insights into the Star Trek universe (and, incidentally, the real world of physics) in this charming and accessible guide. Lawrence M. Krauss boldly goes where Star Trek has gone-and beyond. From Newton to Hawking, from Einstein to Feynman, from Kirk to Picard, Krauss leads readers on a voyage to the world of physics as we now know it and as it might one day be.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 280 Seiten
Verlag: Basic Books; Auflage: [Rev (10. Juli 2007)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9780465002047
ISBN-13: 978-0465002047
ASIN: 0465002048
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 2,2 x 21 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.0 von 5 Sternen
17 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 79.142 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
I enjoyed it. It was fun, especially the part about the errors. I had missed many of them. Speculating on the way certain things would work in the real world is also fun.
Did you know that many of the world's best physicists like to watch Star Trek, and then discuss what's right and wrong about the science displayed? Well, apparently they do.Drawing on contacts within the scientific community and on-line bulletin boards, Professor Krauss has written a sprightly review of what physicists think about when they see these shows. He translates these observations into simple concepts that the average reader should be able to follow, assuming an interest in Star Trek or science.As a non-scientist, I had always assumed that 70 percent of the "science" on a Star Trek show was just so much imagination. The reason I thought that was because I could see so many obvious errors (seeing phaser light in space, hearing sounds in space, effects occurring too soon on the space ship, holograms acting like they were made of matter, and permanent worm holes) based on what little I knew. Was I ever surprised to find out that these obvious errors were the bulk of all the errors in the shows!Apparently the writers have been working closely with scientifically knowledgeable people to keep what is covered reasonably possible . . . along with some poetic license.The physics of cosmology are fascinating, but I can quickly get lost in matching quantum mechanics to general relativity and so forth. I was also pleasantly surprised to see that I could follow the arguments much better when they used a familiar Star Trek episode as a reference. Like the child who learns math when it involves counting his or her own money, I can learn physics more easily when it relates to Star Trek. Very nice!The book takes a look at the common Star Trek features like warp drive, transporters, replicators, phasers, sensors, subspace communications, and tractor beams. You also get special looks at less common features like multiple universes and special forms of radiation.You can read this book from several perspectives as a result: (1) to appreciate what's happening in an episode; (2) to learn some science; (3) to think about where Star Trek could become real and where it is less likely to become so; and (4) what problems have to be solved in order for Star Trek technology to develop. I found the last perspective to be the most interesting. Professor Krauss's speculations about how rapidly technology might develop and what could be done with it were most fascinating.Where the book fell down a little was in being quite strong in stating that certain "laws" of physics would never be changed. If we go back in 100 year increments, we find that a lot of earlier "laws" are later somewhat amended if not totally changed. That may happen in the future as well, as we learn more. Professor Krauss is a little too confident in many places that there is nothing else to learn. Most modern technology would look like Star Trek science fiction to someone living in 1700, despite being based on sound scientific principles not understood then.After you finish enjoying this interesting book, think about what questions no one is trying to solve. Why not? What benefits would occur if they were solved? How could curiosity be stimulated about these questions?Ask and answer important questions in interesting ways to make faster progress!
Nearly everyone on the planet has seen at least one episode of Star Trek. At the same time, nearly everyone has wondered about certain aspects of the show. For example, if their civilization is so advanced, how come no one has invented a cure for baldness? On the more technical side, certain questions pop up again and again. For example, what really happens during the process of "beaming up"? Why is warp 10 not attainable? How does a tractor beam work?...Like Mr. Wizard, Lawrence Krauss, who holds a Ph.D. in physics, answers all your questions - or most of them. All the major topics are covered, including a few minor ones. The text is non-technical, clear and concise, but also complete. Although it is impossible to discuss certain ideas without the use of graphs and equations, Krauss keeps them to a minimum.For each particular advanced technology of the future, the theory behind each application is dissected, explained, and examined. Also, given present day knowledge, the author examines the theoretical or practical obstacles that would have to be overcome in order to achieve this technology. In transporter technology, for example, what exactly would be involved? Would the actual atoms and molecules have to be sent, or would just the information (code) be sufficient?Would both (atoms and information) be necessary and how would such a task be accomplished, if at all?This book is highly recommended. Even if you are not a Star Trek fan, you will be interested. This book is easy to read, faithful to the physics, full of Star Trek trivia and always entertaining. Voyager and Deep Space Nine episodes are also mentioned, when relevant to the particular topic under discussion.
Ich habe das Buch nur auf englisch gelesen, da es zu dem Zeitpunkt des Kaufs keine deutsche Übersetzung gab. Es war am Anfang schwierig da durchzusteigen, da es teilweise sehr technisch ist...und dann noch auf englisch; aber es war faszinierend. Der Autor beschreibt (für den Leser meist nachvollziehbar), was für Voraussetzungen gelten müßten, damit die Technik der Enterprise funktioniert.Die Erzählung beginnt mit dem legendären Beschleunigen des Raumschiffes. Man vergißt als Zuschauer der TV-Serie, daß wohl alle Offiziere auf der Brücke bei einer solchen Beschleunigung gegen die hintere Wand klatschen würden....wären da nicht die Trägheitsdämpfer. Sind diese beschädigt (z.B. bei einem Kampf), so wird die Crew durchgeschüttelt.In einem anderen Kapitel des Buches wird das 'Beamen' analysiert. Was ist wohl nötig, wenn man aus einem Raumschiff im All, ein Molekül eines Menschen auf der Erde (man bedenke die Entfernung) erfassen und transportieren wollte. Und, würde der Geist/die Seele mit transportiert?Das Buch ist voll von solchen Fragen und es macht einen Höllenspaß sich da durchzudenken. Mehr als einmal kommt einem dabei ein 'Ach soooo' über die Lippen. Absolut lesenswert, nicht nur für Fans.
This book gives a good overview look at each of the major physics-oriented aspects of the Star Trek universe. Just how likely is it that we will develop transporters, food replicators, or (probably of greatest interest to most of us) holo suites? The answers are here in this well written layman's guide. This book is best suited for the curious, for those who wonder if these things will one day be possible. The authors take us down each path, sometimes determining that it will be possible, someday, and at other times, letting us down easy. I thank the authors for satisfying my curiosity as well as teaching me some theoretical aspects of physics at the same time.
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